Join us for Black Belt Friday as we travel to visit GEAR UP Alabama students!
Travel with students, friends, and colleagues from UAB on this unique mentoring opportunity led by GEAR UP Alabama and the Atlanta based non-profit, “Let Us Make Man.” This bus trip will include a brief history lesson about the Black Belt Region, and critical dialogue about the work of GUA to significantly increase the number of students from high-poverty backgrounds who attend and succeed in postsecondary college and career opportunities. Once at the school, we will host a brief assembly before breaking into small groups with the students to discuss college and career readiness. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
For more information, please contact Ashton Ray (avray@uab.edu).
Black Belt Friday Dates:
January 10th, 2020 Montgomery County || Register Here
February 7th, 2020 Hale County || Register Here
March 6, 2020 Lowndes County || Register Here
Are you interested in using your specific skill set to volunteer with GEAR UP Alabama? Contact us to find out how we can work together. Contact Ashton Ray (avray@uab.edu) to see how you can work with GEAR UP Alabama!
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